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Out of area new patient registration

Use this service to register with the surgery as an out of area patient.

You can use this service if you:

  • want to register at the surgery
  • your home address is outside of our practice boundary

IMPORTANT : Registering with a GP surgery outside your local area can affect the NHS services that you can access including:

  • home visits and urgent care from your GP, including out of hours care
  • community services, such as physiotherapy and district nursing appointments

Ask us to explain any alternative arrangements for these services when you register. Sometimes we may recommend registering closer to your home

Before you start

We’ll ask you for:

  • your first and last name, date of birth, sex, postcode, email and phone number
  • if applicable, the details of the person you are completing the form on behalf of
  • your NHS number (if you have one)
  • information about your health
  • other personal details and demographics
Start now

You can also visit the surgery and pick up a registration pack in person.