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Zero tolerance

We operate a zero tolerance policy regarding behaviour.

The practice follows the NHS guidance on zero tolerance and under no circumstances is it acceptable to shout, swear or behave violently towards our staff or our visitors.

We have a duty of care for the health and safety for our staff as well as a legal responsibility to ensure they are working in a safe environment. Anyone who accesses our services or attends the surgery is expected to behave in an acceptable manor. Violent or abusive behaviour towards our staff or anyone visiting our practice may result in you being removed from our practice list as well as criminal proceedings.

We are committed to protecting our staff and visitors and will not hesitate to remove patients who are aggressive towards any member of staff or who damage practice property. Physical violence to any member of staff or our patients / visitors will be reported to the police.

Examples of unacceptable behaviour are:

  • Violence
  • Excessive noise (loud conversations or shouting)
  • Threatening or abusive language including swearing
  • Derogatory racist or sexual remarks towards staff or patients.
  • Derogatory remarks which are homophobic, biphobic or transphobic towards staff or patients.
  • Malicious allegations regarding our staff or visitors
  • Offensive gestures
  • Abuse of alcohol and/or drugs whilst on the premises
  • Damage to practice property
  • Theft
  • Threats or threatening behaviour

Our staff have every right to come to work and be treated with dignity and respect and should not have to tolerate verbal or physical abuse. Anyone who abuses our staff will be asked to leave the premises immediately.

In exceptional circumstances where there has been a serious breakdown of communication between the doctor and the patient steps may have to be taken to removal a patient from our list. We will always work towards a solution that fits our practice and the patient but where this is not possible the patient will be removed and will be required to find an alternative GP practice. In such cases the reasons for the removal will be provided in writing.