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Healthcare team

As part of the Salford South East Primary Care Network (PCN) we have access to a range of community services specifically for our patients

First Contact Practitioner

These are Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists who are based in the GP practices within our PCN, they see our patients in the community for new problems to avoid referring to secondary care.

The First Contact Practitioners can be booked by contacting reception if you have a new Musculoskeletal problem or our clinicians can refer to them following your assessment with them.

GP overflow hub

Once the practice is fully booked for appointments we can offer a limited amount of appointments in the GP overflow hub. The overflow hub is run by GP’s who will initially have a telephone call with our patients for new acute problems, if a face-to-face assessment is required you will need to attend the overflow hub premises at Victoria Road Surgery. The overflow hub GP’s can provide the same level of care that your regular GP can and has full access to your medical records.

Appointments for the overflow hub are booked by reception.

Mental Health Practitioner

The PCN Mental Health Practitioner is based within the GP practices within our PCN and sees patients for mental health assessments.

The mental health practitioner can be referred to once you have had an assessment with one of our clinical team

Pharmacists / Pharmacy technicians

The Pharmacist & Pharmacy technicians who work with us are responsible for

  • Medication reviews
  • Reauthorising repeat medication
  • Reviewing medication requests from outpatient appointments
  • Reviewing medication changes from inpatient admissions
  • Ensuring patients receiving the appropriate monitoring for their medication (bloods, weight, ECG’s etc…)
  • Dealing with day to day general queries such as providing alternative medications

A lot of the work our Pharmacy team does is behind the scenes however our pharmacists do offer pre-bookable telephone calls which can be booked via reception.